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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-10-28  |  107KB  |  960x1200  |  24-bit (65,956 colors)
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OCR: PSALMS 22, 23, 24 oto the thill of the Loan? PALMS HA. S ------* in Ilu holy place? --- From Thee dym "lean hands and s tpure heart. - Those who Let your head a "Bleumg froes the LosB All the end the Lowp. of wen Jacob And all the Marie ----- For the Kingdom as be And He broles over this, it doors 20 All the prosperdos of Gary come ind 11 those who tgo down mighty ------ bien he who "cannot k; ------- "Powenn will sene Him O ancient doors, ----- 4 It will be told of the Lar, They will. come and will them To a prople bebo will be soro, that 19 "glory may come we e Kinc D thu Kim of glory? PSALM 24 Selah The Lonne the Palmist , Stephen PSALM 25 Pravet for Protection, Guidance and Pardon THE LORD n muy shepherd, He makes me lie down in "creen pastute He Headu we beside "quiet waters Re frestores my soul, He Sguides me in the paths of nehtrois my God, m Thee of trust. let me be ashamed "enemies cxult over me of those who wait for there will be For His dame's sake Even though I walk through the frathe ideal treacheronly without cause will be of death, 1 Meat no esit, for "Thou art with m Thy *rod and They statt, they comfort o. know Thy ways, O DosDe ---- Thou dost sprepare a tatile before me ie w m Thy paths. --- of dis enomics. Thy troth and teach me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil e 'God of my salvation, My cup overflows Surely goodness and lovingkindnew way Thou art whit all the day FORD, Thy compassion and Thy loving 6 Thee the days of my life. And I will Pdwell in the house of the einber. they have bech Mfrom of old sot remember the suns of my youth of my tran PSALM.24. F The King of Glory Entering 7ha gresSion ------ .O dnew ske, O LORD ht is the Lo THE earth's the Loup's, and all it contains instructs unnen in the way umble in just The world, and those who dwell in it merctore H traches the humble His way 2 For He bas founded it upon the weak He Heads th And established it upon the nivers. the path of the Loxo are donnekindness an und He "tra to keep His covenant and His testin pose